30.067 billion closed! 2022 China Film Annual Survey Report Released

Special feature of 1905 film network 30.067 billion yuan.This is the final report card handed over by China film market in 2022. Behind this, the efforts and efforts of many filmmakers have been condensed, and the trust and support of countless audiences have also been witnessed.

This year, it broke the curse of the Spring Festival file in recent years that "the first-day pre-sale leader can’t be the final ticket champion". The release of the summer file witnessed more possibilities of domestic comedies. The National Day blockbuster paid tribute to the "ordinary heroes" in the diplomatic front.

On the first day of the new year, 1905 Film Network and Film Channel Media Center released the Annual Survey Report of China Films in 2022. This report will comprehensively interpret the changes of China film market in 2022 from the aspects of market, industry and keywords.

Market: The annual box office is 30.067 billion yuan.

The New Year’s Eve bell rings, and 2022 becomes the past tense. The annual box office figures of China’s film market are frozen.

According to the public information of the State Film Bureau, in 2022, the total annual box office of China film market was 30.067 billion yuan, the domestic box office was 25.511 billion yuan, and the total number of people attending cinemas in cities was 712 million.

In 2022, China’s film market still plays an important role in the global scope, ranking second in the annual box office of the global film market. It is worth mentioning that in February and August, 2022, China Film Market won the monthly box office champion of the global film market. Among them, the box office in February broke through the 10 billion mark for the fourth time.

In 2022, domestic films will still be the leading role in the mainland film market.

According to statistics, the total box office of domestic movies reached 25.511 billion in 2022, accounting for 84.45% of the total. At the box office, 34 domestic films broke 100 million, and 6 films broke 1 billion. In the TOP10 box office in the whole year, domestic films occupied 8 seats, all of which came from the top three golden periods. Among them, there are 4 Spring Festival files, 3 summer files and 1 National Day file.

In the Spring Festival, Watergate Bridge of Changjin Lake, the theme work to resist US aggression and aid Korea, became the annual box office champion of the mainland film market in 2022 with 4.067 billion yuan. The film has also created a number of box office records in mainland film history. With 2.628 billion yuan, it became the third place in the annual box office.

The second feature film, ranked sixth with 1.379 billion yuan. The latest chapter in the series of "Bears haunt", the permanent guest of the Spring Festival file, ranked eighth with 978 million yuan. The film also created a new box office record for this series of works.

In the summer file, Moon Man, a new attempt of "comedy+science fiction" in Mahua FunAge, became the runner-up in the annual box office list with 3.103 billion yuan. Ranked fourth at the box office of 1.712 billion yuan, and the leading actor won the Best Actor Award in the 35th Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award with this film. Starring, is also on the list.

The Return of Wan Li has become the only film among the National Day blockbusters that ranks among the TOP10 in the annual box office of the mainland film market. Many acting schools have created a high-quality big-screen work for the audience.

Keywords: The market needs more Chinese movies.

In 2022, China film market appeared some domestic films with distinctive local cultural characteristics, such as Life Events and Miracle Stupid Children. The content of these films is grounded, and the audience has a sense of substitution.

The chairman of the China Film Association said that as filmmakers, the direction of our efforts is to describe Chinese feelings with China people’s unique culture, language and thinking, to make a distinctive "Chinese film", to show our own personality and to show our confidence in China culture.

The year 2022 coincides with the centenary of Comrade Jiao Yulu’s birth. Among many film and television works, Jiao Yulu is unforgettable.

Li Xuejian, who is now the vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said that movies are the face of a country and the concrete manifestation of the national soul. In the Spring Festival of 2023, its performance attracted much attention.

2022 is also a bumper year for new mainstream movies. Watergate Bridge of Changjin Lake, Wan Li’s Way Home and Hug You Through the Winter focus on heroes of different ages and occupations respectively.

Chairman of the China Film Producers Association admitted frankly that in recent years, the diversification of China’s main melody films has indeed reached a new height, which is mainly manifested in the ideological connotation of the main melody and the diversification of artistic expression; Main theme of mainstream value, diversified styles.

Domestic main theme movies are professional users. The chairman of Bona Film said that in the face of the epidemic, China filmmakers still maintain strong creative ability, and film companies have the responsibility to create more outstanding mainstream movies with market appeal and audience reputation like the "Changjin Lake" series, and offer inspiring cultural feasts to the audience.

"Accumulation" became the key word of the 2022 annual film sentiment.

This year, he devoted himself to film creation, tried new types of roles, and accumulated multiple life experiences in his performance, which was challenging and more enjoyable.

Zhu Yilong summed up his performance in 2022 with "luck and gratitude".

He said that he was very lucky to meet "Life Events" and the role of "Mo Sanmei". He thanked all the staff behind the scenes of "Life Events" and thanked the audience for their recognition of this film.

Industry articles: comedies are still just needed.

In 2022, the performance of domestic genre films is still wonderful. Comedy, plot, war, animation, love and action are six types of elements, which are deeply loved by the audience.

Among them, comedies are still just needed by the market.

According to statistics, in 2022, the total box office of comedy genre films reached 7.513 billion yuan, an increase of 28.66% compared with 2021 (5.839 billion yuan). Domestic films that contain or are dominated by comedy elements have bright market performances in many golden periods. From "The Killer is Not Too Cold" in the Spring Festival file to Moon Man in the summer file, and then to the Mid-Autumn Festival file, the head comedy genre has a long-lasting box office life.

In 2022, the total box office of domestic animated films was 2.282 billion yuan. "Bears Coming Back to Earth", "Bears Coming Back to Earth", and "Bears Coming Back to Earth" are among the top three domestic animated films with 977 million yuan, 555 million yuan and 160 million yuan respectively.

In 2022, the theme of domestic new mainstream film creation blossomed in an all-round way, including "Wan Li’s Return", which shows the feelings of home and country; There is also "Miracle Stupid Child", which praises youth and inspiration; And using the ordinary to create the great.

In 2022, Guangdong Province, Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province ranked in the TOP10 of the annual box office rankings of all provinces in China, and the specific rankings were the same as in 2021.

In the city’s annual box office rankings, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou became the champion, runner-up and runner-up respectively. Compared with 2021, Guangzhou surpassed Shenzhen and entered the top three city box offices of the year. Nanjing is new on the list, ranking tenth in the city box office.

In the annual box office list of national cinemas, WANDA CINEMAS, China Film Digital Cinema, Guangdong Dadi, Shanghai United, China Film South and Hengdian films are among the top six. Compared with 2021, Hengdian Film and Television surpassed Jinyi Zhujiang to be promoted to the top six. In the TOP10 annual box office of national cinemas, six cinemas in Beijing entered the list, one more than last year. It is Beijing Yingjia International Studios, and it is also a newly listed cinema.

2022 has come to an end, and the curtain of 2023 has been opened. China films will also embark on a new journey and forge ahead towards new goals.

The protagonist of the ancient puppet drama to be broadcast rushed to the hot search, and the most conspicuous one was spicy Yoko! She has great potential.

In the past year, many netizens have been there.The style of tucao costume idol drama is getting more and more lame.It is far less beautiful than the costume dramas of the 1980s and 1990s. No, at the beginning of the new year, when I saw this topic so interesting, bloggers immediately stood up.Taking stock of the main styles of men and women in costume idol dramas to be broadcast.

Among them, among the heroines, at first glance,In The Queen Liu Heipang, played by Yoko Spicy Eye, Liu Tianfeng is the most eye-catching.. The drama mainly tells the story that Liu Jinfeng, a flower from Xianpa village, made a mockery everywhere after she married into the palace, which led to the emperor being laughed at everywhere, but in the end, the "misfit" couple experienced another disaster and started a happy story.

With such a detached plot, the shape is naturally unique, coupled with the rich and clever expression of Yoko Spicy, so that everyone can lock it in an instant.

Yoko spicy eye can be seen by everyone at a glance, not simply because her style is really excellent and unique.It’s that Yoko Ayako is a different existence from other actresses, and now she is favored by people with great potential.

So, the reason why she has the potential to explode,To deus ex, mainly rely on the following aspects.

First, "non-mainstream" appearance, refusing appearance anxiety

In theory,Yoko Lamu has no facial features that strictly belong to the traditional aesthetic standards of China people.. The round fleshy face is covered with dense freckles, small eyes, and a nose that is not quite upturned. The only thing that stands out is that the mouth is still a small cherry mouth. What do all the female stars look like? Just follow the facial features of Yoko spicy eyes in the opposite direction, that is, beauty.

With the popularization of mass media, girls are looking at glamorous female stars and demanding more and more about their appearance.Appearance anxiety is getting worse.It also caused the mobile phone P-picture and the medical beauty industry to triumph all the way.

With such five senses, how does Yoko Spicy Eye treat the camera in this era? Self-confident, generous, overflowing, no stage fright.

When she was in high school, she wrote a shocking sentence in her diary: "I am not beautiful, but this one is out of print." A woman who has a clear understanding of herself before she is a minor,Refusing to "go along with the current aesthetics", Yoko Spicy has kept this mentality and played it to the present..

Second, the acting skills have emerged, and there is no sense of disobedience in Gu Li

In the hit variety "Actor in Place 2", Yoko Spicy challenged to play the role of Gu Li. Who is Gu Li’s character? Everyone is too familiar. Flashy and mean, delicate and fragile, the drama is gorgeous. After the film and television, the role of Gu Li was well recreated by Jing M.Guo, the original author of the novel, and the accent blessing of Guo Caijie Taiwanese accent. I’m afraid looking at the entertainment circle,I can’t find another actress who can challenge Gu Li.

However, Yoko spicy eyes became!

A female artist who at first glance had nothing to do with Gu Li’s setting, used a short scene to put the audience into the plot 360 degrees, and soon went out on the hot search.

Netizens are amazed and think that this actress is too powerful. In fact, as early as the first scene of Yoko Ramo’s performance "The Thief Family",Er Dongsheng directly decided that she would win the best actress in the future.With such high recognition from the great director, her future is very promising.

Third, contact Bole and connect with Shen Teng.

In the Golden Rooster Awards just past,Shen Teng and three other main pillars in Mahua FunAge recommended Yoko Ramo in the "Best Selection Plan for Young Actors in the Stars and Seas in 2021".

Yoko Ramo became attached to them in Me and My Father. In the unit directed by Shen Teng, Yoko Ramo played the role of the head teacher, which was not much, but in this regard, she hooked up with a group of actors in Mahua FunAge. Only when Yoko Mori has done well himself can he be appreciated by the Mahua FunAge team.

Fourth, diversification of resources, Disney dubbing+reality show

About to meet the audienceThe Chinese version of Disney’s latest masterpiece "Magic Room Full" will be dubbed by Yoko Ramo.. In the past, in order to match their princess phenomenon, Disney’s female stars were all popular young Hua Dan, but now they have also thrown olive branches on Yoko Spicy.

Not only that, in the reality show with the lowest threshold, Yoko Spicy appears frequently. I can’t forget the farm, Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom House and so on.

For many years, women who are ugly and confident at the same time can only be defined as comedians in the entertainment circle. I hope that Yoko Mori can get a completely different new image as an actress by virtue of her excellent acting skills.

Creative Opening of 2024 China (Hangzhou) Outdoor Camping Life Exhibition

Promote Hangzhou to build a highland of outdoor industry quality in China

On the morning of March 22nd, 2024, CLE2024 China (Hangzhou) Outdoor Camping Life Exhibition ("CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition") kicked off at Hangzhou International Expo Center with a simple but creative outdoor fashion show. From March 22nd to 24th, more than 200 exhibitors and more than 300 brands participated in the event, and the organizer also organized 10 themes and over 80 heavyweight events to be staged in 9 major spaces, showing the overall development trends of outdoor industry in China.

Since 2023, CLE Hangzhou Exhibition every spring has become an important industry activity of outdoor industry in China. According to the exhibition data released by the organizing committee a few days ago, during the three-day exhibition, all exhibitors will, together with industry practitioners, enthusiasts, relevant competent departments and major Internet platforms, comprehensively explain all kinds of industry information of China’s outdoor sports industry in equipment manufacturing, platform sales trends, and the direction of choosing people to bring goods, share the experience of organizing and operating camps and outdoor activities, carry out international exchanges, fully experience the latest equipment for outdoor catering and outdoor travel, and feel the complete and full outdoor culture.

With the theme of "Connecting Outdoor Life", this CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition focuses on the e-commerce, cross-border transaction and internationalization of outdoor industry, which provides a new industry idea for the sustainable development of outdoor industry in China. According to incomplete statistics, there are nearly 1,000 people who have signed up for CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition, and the total number of fans has exceeded 150 million, accounting for about 1/3 of the outdoor population in China. At the same time, exhibitors and camp owners from more than ten countries including Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Japan, Australia and the Middle East visited the exhibition site.

Focusing on promoting and popularizing outdoor culture is another major feature of CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition. A brief history of camping, the first general book in China to introduce the 150-year development of outdoor camping industry, was launched at this CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition, and the creator and publishing agency China Academy of Fine Arts Press signed a sale for the audience on the spot. At the same time, the CLE Camping Museum was jointly established by several exhibitors at the exhibition, which provided a space for industry visitors and enthusiasts to understand the historical development of outdoor camping.

As a manufacturing highland in China, Zhejiang is also a gathering area of outdoor camping industry. At the CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition, the audience can also see the product displays from Sanmen, the capital of China jackets, and several industrial belts.

Since 2020, Hangzhou has become the benchmark of exquisite camping and outdoor leisure life in China, and many representative camps have gathered around the city. In three days, CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition brought together industry practitioners from all over the country and around the world to focus on the status quo and challenges of China’s outdoor industry, and put forward solutions and solutions from the perspective and methods of China, which will further boost Hangzhou’s construction into a high-quality outdoor industry in China.

Attachment: Summary of CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition

CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition Site Activity Arrangement

Time: March 22-24, 2024

Venue: 3F, Hangzhou International Expo Center

I. Layout of the Exhibition

CLE2024 Exhibitor Booth Distribution Map

Second, the 9 major activity spaces of the exhibition

In order to present the outdoor camping lifestyle in an all-round way and create a better on-site environment for industry exchange and docking, nine activity spaces were set up in the venue of CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition, namely:

"grow good business" outdoor forum area

"City Outdoor" Picnic, Coffee, Wine and Chill Moment

Aesthetic natural education of "Learn Shan Ye with pleasure"

"Outdoor Partner" Lifestyle Community

Outdoor life model room "wilderness home"

Outdoor camping sea ecological zone

CLE& Xiaohongshu blogger guest contact area

Product selection area for bloggers with goods

CLE outdoor camping museum

III. Summary of participating brands

CLE2024 Exhibitor Brand List

IV. CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition Schedule

CLE2024 exhibition tour guide

V. Contents of "Planting Good Business" Outdoor Forum Area

01 Shan Ye audio • Music scene

02 "Natural Opening" Outdoor Fashion Show

Jointly launch outdoor fashion show with KOL, anchor with goods and brand exhibitors, and open the preface of 2024CLE.

Look at the 150-year camping history — — Press conference of the new book "A Brief History of Camping"

The first book in China that systematically introduces the 150-year history of camping, A Brief History of Camping, was released and recommended by the promoters and practitioners of outdoor lifestyle in Nomori territory.

Decryption of China Outdoor Brand E-commerce Operation — — Domestic e-commerce platform sharing

"Tik Tok" Tik Tok E-commerce Outdoor Camping 2024 Trend Release

Dong Yunlu Doris Dong-Head of Business Transportation in Camping Industry of Tik Tok E-commerce Brand Group

"Little Red Book", "Everything grows in the wind" Little Red Book Sports Outdoor Inspiration Marketing Sharing

Mingjun-Xiaohongshu Commercial Fashion Clothing Industry Sports Outdoor Integrated Marketing Expert

"Tmall" 2024 Tmall camping trend sharing

Cherish life-head of Tmall camping

New businesses in "Aauto Quicker" have new operations and new growth.

Yu Ailin-Aauto Quicker is the operation director of "Official Assistant of Magnetic Taurus" and the operation director of "Jinniu Classroom".

The growth trend of outdoor sports with "getting things"

Muyi-Dewu Outdoor Category Operation Experts

05 CLE outdoor brand promotion special session

"Outdoor Power Supply and Outdoor Electricity Consumption Ecology"

Leng Xiaowei-General Manager of Shenzhen Yizu Innovation Technology Co., Ltd.

"It’s just the right time to go out to sea-avoid the winner’s thinking of getting involved and going out"

Li Hualin-CEO of WebTV Asia Grape Media Greater China

"Introduction of the Famous City of Jacket Clothing in Sanmen County"

Li Lujia-Deputy Director of Sanmen County Investment Promotion Center

"To help outdoor products go to sea, how to save logistics costs from the source? 」

Wang Letian-General Manager of Xiyou Logistics East China Branch

"Canadian outdoor lifestyle"

Grace-Founder of Smypark Canada Limited

"Canadian health functional food SunDrench brand sharing meeting"

Shangduoli (Hangzhou) International Food Technology Co., Ltd.

"SP1KE New Technology Released for External Protection of Customers"

Canada SP1KE company

"The Next Fifteen Years of Black Deer"

Ye Xiao-Black Deer Brand Manager

"Keep Walking: The Road of Fire Maple Research and Development"

Qin Yu-Head of Brand R&D of Huofeng

"Introduction of Nujiang outdoor sports industry project".

Zhang Xuelian-Deputy Director of Nujiang Education and Sports Bureau

"Introduction of throwing Frisbee"

An Chenran-Founding Partner/General Manager of Wing Kun Frisbee

"Star Navigator: A Journey of Astronomy and Space Exploration in Mars Camp"

Feng Jiang-Mars camp co-founder camp director and general manager of Cold Lake Astronomy.

"Open your heart and fly, and you will naturally respond."

Wei Xiaoliang-I fly outdoor COO

"pot ring brand sharing"

Guo quan Shi hui

"brand sharing of Harajuku self-operated factory"


"What else can I eat for a healthy outdoor life? See how camping scenes keep pace with "food"

Amanda-ELMJOY Yu zhiyu brand promoter

"Wolf Brand Story"

Ma Haozhe-Founder CEO of Wolf

06 Outdoor Wind Blows the World — — There are new tricks for cross-border going to sea, and nine platforms face each other.

Deep analysis of all categories of Amazon outdoor sports in "Amazon opens stores worldwide"

Sunny Zhou-Senior Manager of Key Account Development and Operation Management of Amazon

"eBay" E-way peers, everything is fine. Introduction of Bay-eBay2024 platform and outdoor category sharing.

Zhang Haoyuan-Business Development Manager of eBay Greater China

Introduction of "TikTok Shop" Full Hosting Mode and Promotion of Outdoor Sports Category

Chen Yongkuo-Outdoor Investment Manager of Tiktok Shop Cross-border E-commerce Campaign

"Wal-Mart" is outdoors in "Wo", and it is just the right time to go to sea.

Weiwei Chen-Wal-Mart Global E-commerce Strategic Channel Development Consultant

"Coupang" and Coupang, Nuggets "Sports Outdoor" New Business Opportunities

May Gao-Coupang, Head of Investment Promotion in East China

Introduction of "Lazada" Full Trusteeship Mode and Promotion of Outdoor Sports Category

Dai Guisheng-Lazada, Investment Manager of Outdoor Sports in Full Trust

"Meikeduo" went out to sea to dig gold in Latin America.

Max-Mercado China East China Business and Regional Development Manager

"Shopee" makes every possibility of outdoor camping in Southeast Asia.

Elaine (Pang Yiyue)-Shopee Investment Promotion and Incubation Manager

"Lotte Japan" went out to sea in Japan and chose Lotte Japan, a cross-border e-commerce treasure platform.

Wu Feifei-Investment Manager of Lotte Group Shenzhen Branch, Japan

07 2024 Spring Camping Conference of Pot Circle Food Exchange

One-stop solution promotion of pot camping life, first release of new pot products, investment promotion policy of pot camping shop, cooperation and signing of 100 camping plans, etc.

08 Let’s meet — — All-in-one exchange meeting of cultural, sports and tourism

The sharing of diversified outdoor life, the introduction of China Road-Zhejiang Station, the signing ceremony of 2024 Association’s self-driving market operation and government cooperation, and the promotion of local self-driving and camping destinations.

09 camp product and content innovation — — Campsite building logic

International experience of combining youth camp and holiday camp in "international outdoor emerging market"

Former President of Valery Kostin-ICF International Camp Association

Valerii Dolgikh-President of Russian Camp Association

Abdumukhtorov Anvar Akramovich-Director of Leisure and Rehabilitation Department of Uzbekistan

Bymba Chultem-Chairman of Mongolian Camp Association

Duan Diandian-Secretary General of ICE Camp Research Institute

How can outdoor camping empower rural revitalization?

Manager of Baoxin-Xiaohangkeng Camp

"Camp Planning and Design" The Core Elements of Camp Planning and Design

Dai Zheng-good morning, founder of Yesu

"Camp diversification case" Camping new era, camp diversification development model

Jingliang-Founder of Camp Club

"Chain Camp Case" Hi King Camp, Chain Development

Cui lianbo-hi, founder of King chain camp

Construction of camp products of "comprehensive camp operation case"

Tang Wei-Niulu Camping & Founder of Niulu Outdoor Education, Ph.D. in Tourism Hotel Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and chinese mountaineering association Youth Outdoor Education Tutor.

Looking for the most beautiful camp in China to see the trend of camping and outdoor sports

Zhao Jingwen-Founder of Camping Season

How to plan a competitive campsite in the era of consumption degradation?

Mingli-General Manager of Shanghai Kemu Design

10 Connecting Outdoor Life — — Lifestyle innovation

"Cross-border Outdoor" Australian Camping Mode Sharing


"outdoor research" outdoor research scene and content (Camping in Trent)

Kelly-Head of Admissions, Trent University, China

"Outdoor travel" Vala may be more free.

Fang Fang-co-founder of Vala

"Outdoor Climbing" into No Man’s Land, Antarctic Exploration and Protection

Bin Sun-Founder of National Mountaineer Peak Outdoor Sports School

How much face can the new trend of "outdoor wearing" bring?

Founder of Bi Yiran-UPPERVOID’s Second Latitude

VI. Other supporting activities

(A) interactive punching activities

"CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition", in conjunction with Xiaohongshu and Tik Tok Platform, organized a number of interactive and punching activities in the same period.

(B) On-site outdoor activities experience and teaching

"CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition" has joined more than 10 outdoor sports, outdoor education and outdoor experience institutions, and there are nearly 20 outdoor activities and community activities on the spot to open the experience to the audience.

(3) Pet-friendly

CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition continued the pet-friendly policy. All kinds of pets that meet the pet management policy of Hangzhou can enter the venue after reporting in advance. The organizing committee of CLE 2024 Hangzhou Exhibition also set up a special pet-friendly area to serve the visitors’ pet storage.


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Empowering artificial intelligence to achieve higher quality employment

  Author: Professor He Qin of capital university of economics and business Institute of Labor Economics.

  With the development of science and technology, a new round of scientific, technological and industrial revolution triggered by artificial intelligence will have a sustained, extensive and profound impact on China’s employment. Under the progress of artificial intelligence technology, how to fully implement the "employment priority" policy and achieve higher quality employment has become an important issue of "protecting people’s livelihood".

  First, choose the "employment first" intelligent transformation development model

  Different from the previous three technological revolutions, the technological progress of artificial intelligence has a stronger effect on empowering enterprises, improving quality and reducing costs, and increasing benefits, and has a more obvious effect on the multiplier effect of man-machine complementarity, the enhancement of workers’ ability and the improvement of employment quality. Therefore, it is necessary to speed up the formulation of tax relief and financial subsidy incentive policies to promote the rapid application of artificial intelligence technology in new scenarios and traditional industries, create benefit sharing among stakeholders in the value chain, create a win-win space for all parties, and reduce obstacles to the application of new technologies. On the one hand, it forces technological innovation through landing application, and improves the usability and ease of use of technology. On the other hand, it promotes industrial intelligence through landing application, which promotes the expansion of employment and the improvement of employment quality, and then realizes the triple spiral of "intelligent industrialization, industrial intelligence and employment expansion".

  In the strategic layout of artificial intelligence, the "dual" development model of vertical whole industrial chain cluster development and horizontal related industrial chains driven development is implemented, and employment is given priority, and a matrix employment priority strategy is established. On the one hand, the vertical whole industrial chain promotes employment as a whole, on the other hand, the horizontal related industries promote employment. Taking the intelligent driving industry as an example, its industrial chain includes vehicle manufacturing enterprises, large Internet enterprises, small intelligent driving innovation and entrepreneurship enterprises, service supporting enterprises and public departments. In the vertical direction, a vertical industry chain-driven employment model of "stable employment of large vehicle manufacturing enterprises+employment absorption of large Internet enterprises+creation of new jobs by small intelligent driving innovation and entrepreneurship enterprises, service supporting enterprises and public service departments" can be formed. In the horizontal direction, the application of intelligent driving technology in other industries can be used to promote employment. For example, the application in agriculture, mining, ports, urban transportation and other fields will drive employment horizontally.

  In addition, support the emergence of new forms and models of artificial intelligence in new infrastructure, new scenes and industrial applications, such as a large number of data annotator jobs created by artificial intelligence basic data industrial bases in new infrastructure; Small-scale intelligent driving innovation and entrepreneurship enterprises that appear in the automatic driving application scenario include core sensor research and development, chip research and development, key algorithm research and development, emerging car-making enterprises and other technological innovation enterprises, start-ups and new business enterprises. It is necessary to encourage the development of these new forms and modes of enterprises, open up new employment space and enhance employment tension. At the same time, under the new development pattern that the domestic big cycle is the main body and the domestic and international double cycles promote each other, we will promote the intelligent transformation of the global supply chain and promote offshore outsourcing employment and the return of overseas returnees.

  Second, activate the domestic consumer market and expand new foreign consumer markets

  Employment is an induced demand. To expand employment, it is necessary to expand employment through the expansion of demand for products and services. With the application of artificial intelligence technologies such as computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, human-computer interaction, machine learning, knowledge map, biometric identification, virtual reality or augmented reality in products, enterprises will develop more new products and create more intelligent services according to market demand. Therefore, policies to expand the consumption of artificial intelligence products and services should be introduced as soon as possible. The second is to introduce policies to encourage the expansion of artificial intelligence to drive the consumption of industrial products and services. The application of artificial intelligence in different scenarios will change the whole social ecology, and a large number of new products and services will be created in this process. The third is to create new demands, promote new consumption to lead a new quality life, foster new intelligent employment forms and employment patterns, and promote diversified investment, so as to form a strong domestic artificial intelligence product and service market and better meet people’s new expectations for a better life in an intelligent society. Fourth, make use of the first-Mover advantage of China’s artificial intelligence in the application field, innovate more artificial intelligence products and services suitable for the international consumer market, formulate export incentive policies for artificial intelligence technologies, products and services, and smooth and expand the international market.

  Third, create the expansion work "based on unique human skills"

  The advantage of artificial intelligence is to discover laws from a large number of data, especially unstructured data, and help humans to complete repetitive and standardized work that can make decisions only by simple thinking. In terms of quantifiable and standardized programs, artificial intelligence is better than human beings. However, human beings have the uniqueness of thinking, creation, communication, emotional communication, cooperative spirit, curiosity, enthusiasm, like-minded driving force, emotion, understanding of good and evil, understanding of beauty and ugliness, and are better at engaging in creative work. Artificial intelligence and human beings are good at each other. It is expected that artificial intelligence will quickly occupy many standardization fields in the future, and human beings will find new areas of expertise in the supply of various differentiated and personalized products and services. According to the comparative advantages of man and machine mentioned above, the "people-oriented" work fields that human beings may expand in the future include: nursing work for the elderly, the infirm and the mentally ill; Basic education and special education; Experience economy work that serves individual needs; Handicrafts that meet the creative needs of young people, creative economy jobs such as VRMR game experience, etc., in addition, some new occupations have emerged, such as data annotator, intelligent manufacturing engineer, virtual reality engineer, artificial intelligence trainer, artificial intelligence trainer, drone assembly and adjustment worker, etc. The government should promptly formulate incentive policies to encourage society to create expansion jobs based on unique human skills.

  Fourth, encourage non-standardization work in the process of intelligence.

  The progress of artificial intelligence technology brings new employment forms, organizational forms and working methods. Non-standard employment is an inestimable field to absorb unemployed workers, which represents the originality and adaptability of the labor force. Develop a variety of non-standardized flexible employment methods to appropriately alleviate the employment pressure, increase the flexibility of the labor market, and meet the employment needs of different labor groups. At present, the flexible employment modes of international concern mainly include: part-time employment, short-term employment, dispatched employment, seasonal employment, standby employment, part-time employment, remote employment, contracted employment, independent employment, self-employment and family employment. In addition, in order to reduce the unemployment risk of artificial intelligence technology and alleviate inequality, we should choose to introduce active labor market policies, such as job incentives and employment assistance, so as to provide solutions for the surplus of low-skilled labor. The public sector or social organizations should indirectly provide employment opportunities for the unemployed, including temporary posts or short-term skills training courses. At the same time, workers should take the initiative to embrace new technology, use technology to find new opportunities, make up for the shortage of full-time jobs by engaging in freelance and part-time jobs, and alleviate the labor market tension caused by technological unemployment.

  Secondly, with the application of artificial intelligence technology in digital platform, a large number of new employment forms, such as live broadcast, online literature, intelligent scene experience, etc., are often not fully covered by the current formal social security system, so the government’s social security supporting policies should be matched with it, so that the new non-standardized work brought by artificial intelligence can bring higher income level, freedom, satisfaction and happiness to workers, thus achieving higher quality employment.

  Finally, we can consider using artificial intelligence technology to establish a flexible employment platform for digital talent supply and demand. Accurate matching through big data can reduce job search time, loosen restrictions on the free flow of talents and data, and provide free data to help workers find new opportunities, stimulate innovation and improve economic efficiency.

  (This paper is the research achievement of the National Social Science Fund’s key topic: the research on the impact of artificial intelligence on the labor market and the transformation of workers’ knowledge and skills (19AGL025). )

There is a recharge routine behind the free trial reading of soft porn novels in the information App.

    Recently, Mr. Zhang, a reader in Beijing, told the reporter of the Rule of Law Daily that when he browsed the news on the information platform, he found that there was recommendation information of soft pornographic novels on the platform. The beginning of the novel was not as direct as that described in pornographic novels, but it would make people think, and there was a charge for continuing reading.

  "This information platform has a wide audience, and this App was downloaded on the tablet used by my children. If you are exposed to such novels, it will definitely have a bad influence. " Mr. Zhang said that advertisements for soft pornographic novels have appeared on large information platforms, and there is still suspicion of inducing recharge. This issue needs to be paid attention to.

  To this end, the reporter conducted an investigation and interview.

  □ Our reporter Han Dandong

  "Male nurse dictated: Night shift, I heard … …” This is a message displayed on an information App, with the word "story" in the lower left corner and "57,000 people have read it". The top and bottom of this information are news information.

  Diankai is a novel from the perspective of a male nurse. The content of the trial reading is relatively "implicit", and it comes to an abrupt end when "I can’t control myself any more under the teasing of Rebecca". The following is "As low as 0.3 yuan/day, members can unlock the full text".

  Recently, under the guidance of Mr. Zhang from Beijing, the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" opened the above information App and saw this information. The reporter’s investigation found that not only this information App, but also many apps have promotion advertisements similar to soft pornography and even pornographic novels.

  Experts interviewed believe that pornographic novels appearing on information apps are not literary in themselves, and their purpose is to drain and make profits. They are suspected of violating laws and regulations and need to be rectified. The platform should conduct a necessary and appropriate review of information content advertisements in a prudent manner, and the regulatory authorities should also promptly investigate and deal with such pornographic information and induced recharge.

  Soft pornographic novels are mixed with news information.

  "This is too blatant!" Not long ago, when Mr. Wang of Tianjin was browsing the news on an App, he saw a novel message entitled "This book is so exciting that it takes an afternoon at first glance" and it was accompanied by "pictures of beautiful women". He casually clicked in and took a look, and the content of the trial reading was unsightly, "like a little yellow man."

  As he was in a public place, he quickly turned off the interface and felt his cheeks burning. Then I continued to browse other news, but without a few strokes, this information appeared again. "I just want to watch the news, but the platform insists on pushing this pornographic novel to me, which is too much." Mr. Wang said.

  Mr. Zhao has encountered a similar experience. Mr. Zhao works in a company in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. When commuting by subway, he is used to reading news and information by brushing his mobile phone. He found that there are many soft erotic and sexually suggestive novels on some information platforms.

  "Novel advertisements are very eye-catching. Try to read a lot of suggestive language, which makes people want to read on. But when it comes to ‘ Key link ’ The novel was interrupted, and the following is the charging link. " Mr. Zhao said.

  According to the respondents’ tips, the reporter downloaded a variety of apps and found that the novel promotion advertisements mixed with information and news did contain some soft pornographic content, but they often did not show "sex" directly, but mainly described the fascinating scenes, and they would come to an abrupt end when they felt that pornographic plots were about to appear. "It may not have touched on any expressions related to pornography, but readers will know what they are writing at a glance." Mr. Zhao said.

  Searching for keywords such as "novels" on these apps will also trigger the advertising push of such soft porn novels. In addition, the reporter’s investigation found that this kind of soft erotic novels also have their presence in some browsers, short video platforms and search platforms. For example, on a search App, every time a reporter crosses three or four messages, he will see such soft porn novels pop up.

  According to Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, this novel advertisement form first appeared on some platforms used by minors, and then extended to various platforms. The novel advertisement unlocked the "trilogy" through platform drainage, WeChat official account /App jump and payment, allowing users to pay to read the remaining chapters.

  "The platform generally adopts programmatic buying advertising mode when setting fixed advertising space, and the platform is responsible for setting advertising space, and the advertising content is handled by the trading center. However, no matter what form of distribution is adopted, the platform should strictly review the content and authenticity of advertisements. " Zhu Wei said.

  There is a hidden recharge routine behind the free trial reading.

  Respondents said that as adults, you can understand at a glance that this kind of soft pornographic novel advertisement aims to attract users to click and pay.

  The reporter saw that on a search App, novel advertising discourses such as "completely above the head and high content passion" abound. Once clicked, it will jump to the novel trial reading interface, with a sexy female picture at the top and constantly beating. The text of the novel is only a few lines, and the content is quite provocative. Tip below: To be continued, the space is limited, and the follow-up content is more exciting. Pay attention to the study and read the original text.

  After the reporter kept clicking according to the guidelines, he finally entered the "×× study room". "The content is exciting, and the platform does not allow it to be displayed. Please press the tips below to continue reading." The reporter found that after some "hard" operation, the content inside was more explicit than the advertisement and trial reading of the novel, and it was undoubtedly classified as pornographic novel. After browsing Chapter 2, the system prompts: "Support genuine creation, and continue reading after unlocking". Below are different recharge quotas, ranging from 29 yuan to 199 yuan.

  The recharge amount will be converted into "book currency", and readers need to use book currency to unlock each chapter. Although there are paid unlocking channels, if you don’t choose to recharge, readers can’t know the price of each chapter.

  On another App, the reporter found that a variety of soft erotic novel advertisements also have a recharge routine. After a free trial reading, some of them are paid content, each chapter is 110 "book coins", and the minimum recharge amount is 39 yuan, which can be exchanged for 3,900 "book coins". The reporter randomly opened a novel with 1612 chapters. After reading it, a total of 176,660 "book coins" were needed, equivalent to 1,766.6 yuan.

  For these contents that are not suitable for children, when the reporter prepares screenshots, the interface pops up with a prompt: "The current interface involves private content, and screenshots are not allowed."

  Some online writers told reporters that most of these novels are written by online writers, who will describe soft pornographic scenes at the beginning to attract readers’ attention and pay for reading. After paying, some subsequent chapters involve pornographic content, and some do not, that is, routine readers and induce recharge consumption.

  "This kind of online text can’t be called a work at all. It is not literary in itself and should be characterized as illegal content. The behavior of online writers to drain and profit from this is also suspected of breaking the law, polluting the network environment and seriously infringing on the physical and mental health of young people. " Zhu Wei believes.

  The platform should adhere to the obligation of prudent review.

  The reporter noticed that many of these soft erotic novels and erotic novels were pushed by pop-ups.

  The interviewed experts suggested that the relevant ministries and commissions had jointly issued the Administrative Regulations on Internet Pop-up Information Push Service (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Regulations), and the Internet Pop-up Information Push Service Provider should implement the main responsibility of information content management, establish and improve four management systems, including information content review, ecological governance, data security and personal information protection, and minor protection. It is clear that "whoever pops the window is responsible".

  Zhu Wei said that the "Management Regulations" focus on solving problems in key links such as pop-up news information push, pop-up information content guidance and pop-up advertising, and form a more comprehensive and three-dimensional law enforcement system. The next step is to strictly enforce the law and compact the platform responsibility.

  Zhang Yanxia, a senior partner of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, believes that according to the Management Regulations, the platform can decide whether to publish advertisements. In the process of advertising, the platform charges advertisers’ advertising fees, and from the perspective of consistent rights and responsibilities, the platform should also bear certain regulatory responsibilities. Consumers trust the platform, so they will also have some trust in the advertisements published by the platform, which also objectively requires the platform to have the obligation to review the advertisements. At the same time, due to the limitation of information asymmetry and professional ability, the platform should fulfill its "prudent review obligation" for advertising release and conduct necessary and moderate review of advertising content.

  "This ‘ Prudent review obligation ’ Between complete formal review and substantive review, it is a high duty of care rather than a basic duty of care, that is, the platform is required to review advertisements from the perspective of professionals rather than ordinary people. " Zhang Yanxia said.

  Regarding how to control the chaos of soft pornographic novel advertisements, Zhang Yanxia said that for Internet companies, they should be responsible for netizens and focus on the long-term development of the company to ensure that the content and publishing methods of the platform are legal and compliant, including the pushed advertising content. Legal and compliant, and enhance the ability to distinguish through technical means. The regulatory authorities should strengthen supervision, set up convenient reporting channels, respond to the concerns of the masses in a timely manner, and increase penalties for platforms that refuse to change their education.

The young man joined this special volunteer team to help others after playing games for 8 months.

Residents of the community gave Dong Lianghong a thumbs up.

Residents of the community gave Dong Lianghong a thumbs up.

  one person

  I ate lunch at noon and started to play games. I didn’t go to sleep until 6 or 7 o’clock the next morning. After sleeping, I got up and continued to play. This kind of life lasted for 8 months, resulting in retinal detachment in both eyes. After three operations, I saved part of my vision and changed his life.

  A team

  I joined the volunteer service team and became a volunteer, hoping to bring my skills to those who need them more, and at the same time help those disabled people who are hiding in the dark corner like themselves, to bravely come out, integrate into society and face life optimistically.

  Xiao Xiao, a 26-year-old boy from Chengdu, played games in front of the computer day and night for eight months, resulting in retinal detachment in both eyes, leaving only one eye with weak vision. Losing his light, he tried to commit suicide, but with the help of his family, friends and society, he walked out of the darkness. He not only became a blind masseur by himself, but also joined a special volunteer team to help others give back to society.

  On the morning of November 14th, in dressing the, Xiao Xiao and the volunteer team came to Chengdu Wanjiafudi Community with a toolbox, providing services such as haircut, massage and shoeshine for the elderly and needy people here. What moved the residents at the scene was that these volunteers were all disabled, some of them were deaf and some were physically disabled. They were the service team for the disabled in Qingyang District of Chengdu and the first volunteer service team for the disabled in Sichuan Province.

  "Self-improvement, self-confidence and gratitude are our slogans and the original intention of building a team." Zeng Guanghui, captain of the service team for the disabled in Qingyang District, Chengdu, said.

  free service

  Massage haircut shine shoes

  Disabled volunteers come to serve the elderly and the weak in the community.

  On November 14th, after several days of cold weather, the long-lost sunshine came out, making the earth warm. In Wanjiafudi Community, a group of volunteers wearing red vests and red caps are busy, having haircuts, massages and shining shoes, providing convenient services for the elderly and the weak here. The scene is very warm.

  However, half an hour ago, when the volunteers first arrived, everyone just stopped to watch, and few residents received services. "They are all disabled people and people in need. How dare we ordinary people accept their free services?" Residents of the community said. It turned out that the volunteers who entered the community service this time were different from the past. They came from the disabled people’s service team in Qingyang District, Chengdu. The team members were all disabled, some were deaf and dumb, and some were physically disabled. Behind the volunteers, there is a poster with the words "self-improvement, self-confidence and gratitude" very eye-catching.

  "Disabled people need self-improvement and self-confidence, and we should understand and respect them." Mr. Chen, the citizen, accepted the shoeshine service before he first came to the shoeshine booth. In Uncle Chen’s view, it is a good thing for disabled volunteers to provide services, which can prove their self-reliance and self-confidence. Everyone should understand and respect them. If they do well, they should be praised. Even if they are not good, they should be encouraged to improve their self-reliance.

  When everyone learned the original intention of the volunteers, they enjoyed the free service of the volunteers and gave them a thumbs-up and praise.

  "Teacher, my back has been hurting for two weeks. Please give me a massage." He Zihua, a 75-year-old man, accidentally bumped into his waist at home two weeks ago, put on a plaster, and still felt dull pain. When she saw Xiao Xiao, who provided massage service, she went forward for consultation. "You may have a bad breath in your abdomen. Let me massage it for you." Xiao Xiao arranged for the old man to sit down, gently knead it with his fingers, and carefully asked about the symptoms. After analysis, the symptoms of the old man’s abdominal rib bifurcation were ruled out, which may be caused by impact. It is recommended that the old man go to the hospital for another examination. The reporter noticed that in the process of massage, Xiao Xiao also set up a dragon gate array with the old man, such as how old he was, how many people in his family, and what he liked to eat. The whole communication process was very pleasant, and the old man did not have a different vision because he was disabled. For the service of volunteers, the old man expressed great gratitude. "I am old, my legs have been in car accidents before, and it is inconvenient to move. Thank them for providing services and helping us elderly people."

  exert oneself constantly

  Not only can I earn money and live independently.

  You can also help others in need.

  "I want to prove myself, and I can do what normal people can do." Xiao Xiao, 26, is a member of the volunteer team. After graduating from college, he worked in sales, earning seven or eight thousand yuan a month, and likes to get together and play with friends as much as young people. Three years ago, he quit his good job at that time and returned home to find a job. When he doesn’t go to work, his free time is naturally much more. He loves to play games and begins to immerse himself in front of the computer. He plays day and night. "I started to play after eating at noon, and I didn’t sleep until six or seven the next morning. I got up and continued to play." Xiao Xiao said that this kind of life lasted for 8 months. Later, when I went out to play with my friends, I suddenly found that I couldn’t see clearly, and my vision was blurred. Later, my eyes were completely dark.

  After hospital examination, I was diagnosed with retinal detachment in both eyes and may be blind. After hearing the bad news, Xiao Xiao collapsed internally. "I am only in my twenties, and my life has just begun. After blindness, my life is over!" Unable to face the reality, he tried to commit suicide many times, but was stopped by his family and friends and constantly enlightened him. After three operations, Xiao Xiao’s left eye was partially preserved. Blindness has changed his life, but it has not faded his heart of active life. After being introduced, he came to the blind massage shop, where he not only learned massage techniques, but also made friends with disabilities. After coming into contact with this circle, he found that he could work and live like a normal person except for a few inconveniences.

  "I used to be a child who didn’t grow up. I grew up after experiencing it. I want to reassure my family that I can not only earn money to live independently, but also help others in need." After learning that the service team for the disabled in Qingyang District of Chengdu will be established, Xiao Xiao joined the team in the first batch and became a volunteer. He said that he hopes to bring his skills to those who need them more, and at the same time help those disabled people who are hiding in dark corners like themselves, to bravely come out, integrate into society and face life optimistically.

  Establish an initial heart

  Grateful to give back to society.

  Drive more disabled people into society.

  In the eyes of some citizens, the disabled are also vulnerable groups in society and the object of everyone’s help, but now they have to accept the voluntary service of the disabled. Is this good?

  "Self-improvement, self-confidence and gratitude are our slogans and the original intention of building a team." Zeng Guanghui, the captain of Chengdu Qingyang District Disabled People’s Service Team, said that the Chengdu Qingyang District Disabled People’s Service Team was formally established on November 8 this year. It is composed of Chengdu Qingyang District Minghui Disabled Service Center entrusted by Chengdu Qingyang District Disabled Persons’ Federation and consists of disabled volunteers. At present, there are 10 members. The team trains its members and provides convenience services such as shoeshine, haircut and massage for community residents, which reflects the spirit of self-reliance and self-reliance of the disabled, and at the same time gives back to the society’s care for the disabled.

  At the service site, there was a team member who buried himself in shoeshine seriously. His name was Dong Lianghong, and he had a speech disability and could not speak. He communicated through gestures when polishing shoes for the public. He first brushed the dust with a shoe brush, then coated it with shoe polish, wiped it repeatedly, and finally dried it with a soft cloth. Soon, a pair of brand-new leather shoes were polished, and the citizens gave him a thumb. Dong Lianghong smiled happily. Zeng Guanghui said that in the past, Dong Lianghong looked forward to being at home because of his disability, and rarely dealt with outsiders. After being introduced by friends to work with him, people became cheerful. Before the establishment of the volunteer team, he often participated in some public welfare activities. "As soon as he heard of activities, he was very active in signing up." To this end, the establishment of this team, in addition to giving back to society, also hopes to mobilize more disabled people to join in and integrate into society.

  The relevant staff of the Qingyang District Disabled Persons’ Federation in Chengdu told the reporter that this team is the first disabled volunteer service team in Sichuan Province. In order to support and encourage more disabled people to participate, the Disabled Persons’ Federation will also give volunteers some subsidies in transportation, meals and other aspects after each service. At the same time, Zeng Guanghui said that he hopes to expand the scale in the future, and provide more convenience services in addition to voluntary services, which can also promote the employment of disabled people. (Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star Journalist Zhang Yuting Photojournalist Liu Haiyun)

[Return of Party Representative] Party Representative yan hou: Tell the story of the people simple and powerful.

  Cctv news(Reporter Gao Yuting) Shortly after returning to Ningxia, yan hou, a Party representative, began to preach the spirit of the 19th National Congress. On the morning of November 1st, yan hou was invited by Ningxia Committee of the Communist Youth League to preach the spirit of the 19th National Congress for young people from all ethnic groups and walks of life in the autonomous region. This was her first lecture after her return.

Yan hou was invited by Ningxia Communist Youth League to preach the spirit of the 19th National Congress for young people from all walks of life in the region.

Yan hou was invited by Ningxia Communist Youth League to preach the spirit of the 19th National Congress for young people from all walks of life in the region.

  The theme of this lecture is "to be a great national rejuvenation and a new youth in the new era". "Being worthy of a great post" is not only yan hou’s message to young people, but also her own words in the cultural inheritance and development of Shaanxi Opera.

  Yan hou is the deputy general manager of Shaanxi Opera Theatre Co., Ltd. of Ningxia Performing Arts Group, and has won the Plum Blossom Award, the highest drama award in China. The achievement of these achievements, in her own words, is persistence, family inheritance and responsibility for opera.

  When preaching, yan hou repeatedly mentioned the cultural self-confidence in the report of the 19th National Congress. She was deeply touched by this: "Speaking of cultural self-confidence, as a grassroots representative, I was deeply touched. When the opera was in recession in the 1990s, I didn’t even dare to mention my own industry."

  In the early 1990s, when the theater was demolished, she opened a clothing store to sell clothes. But during the time when she opened a clothing store, there were even farmers who had heard her singing, and they inquired about her clothing store and came to see her. So, yan hou stood in the shop and sang some songs to the old man.

  This incident has moved yan hou to this day. It was her mother, who put yan hou on the stage, who was also a Shaanxi opera actor. Besides her mother, it was the farmers’ "fans" who kept Hou Yanjian on the stage of opera.

  Yan hou, who has no chance to play, can only take movies and TV series outside, and then use the money he earned to buy Shaanxi opera costumes and find a better Shaanxi opera teacher to learn opera.

  "Slowly, with the opera ‘ Hundreds of townships and thousands of games ’ 、‘ Performance of traditional Chinese opera benefiting the people ’ ‘ Opera enters the campus ’ … … The good policies of the party and the government on opera have been introduced one after another. We have undergone earth-shaking changes from the beginning of no drama to the present drama. " Yan hou regrets.

  Ningxia Shaanxi Opera Theatre has more than 400 performances a year, of which 180 are in rural areas and at the grassroots level. Yan hou will take part in more than 400 performances whenever he has time. For more than 20 years, she has not only visited all the towns and villages in Ningxia, but some even visited many times.

  "Now 606 poverty-stricken villages in Ningxia have built comprehensive cultural service centers. The roads in some villages are too narrow for caravans to enter. If the car can’t get in, there will be no stage, and the wear and tear of costume props will not be enough for the audience. Now that we have a stage, they can entertain themselves after we leave, which is different. " Yan hou said that over the past 20 years, she has witnessed not only the development of Shaanxi opera, but also the construction and development of new countryside and its cultural undertakings in Ningxia.

Yan hou carefully prepares the stage makeup (provided by yan hou)

Yan hou carefully prepares the stage makeup (provided by yan hou)

  Preaching and preaching. On the afternoon of November 1st, after the morning lecture, Hou Yan rushed to Pingluo County, which is more than 50 kilometers away from Yinchuan City, in Jin Shun Community, Chengguan Town, Pingluo County. This time, the theme of her lecture was "Tell the story of the people more simply and forcefully".

  Hou Yan once again mentioned cultural self-confidence: "Regarding cultural construction, the seventh part of the report proposes to strengthen cultural self-confidence and promote the prosperity of socialist culture. The report pointed out that without a high degree of cultural self-confidence and cultural prosperity, there would be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. "

  "As a literary and art worker, in any era, our masterpieces of literature and art should show people’s living conditions and people’s spiritual world, and adhere to the creative direction of serving the people. This is the first and most important value pursuit of literary and art workers. Literary and artistic creation leaves the people, just as fish leaves water and trees leave the soil, life will lose its foundation and fall into exhaustion. "

The residents of Jin Shun community came here and were very happy to hear yan hou sing two songs.

The residents of Jin Shun community came here and were very happy to hear yan hou sing two songs.

  After the lecture, many residents in the community came here, asking yan hou to sing two Shaanxi opera for everyone. As soon as Hou Yan raised her voice, the eyes of the aunts and grandmothers in the room lit up, and they took out their mobile phones to take photos and take photos as a souvenir. After yan hou’s singing, there were Shaanxi opera lovers who came out to ask for advice on Shaanxi opera singing.

  As far as yan hou is concerned, as long as there are people in the audience who love to watch the theatre and are happy and festive, she will feel happy and worthwhile, and she is willing to perform on this stage forever.

What’s the difference between football in China? It is not a cold day to fall from the country of Cuju to the "national football"!

China football, every China fan feels mixed feelings when he mentions it.

Whenever the World Cup season comes, the China men’s soccer team is always in a way"spectator" and "joke"As a participant, but not as a participant.

Then, why in today’s international arena, China, as old as football civilization,But always lost to Europe, America and even Japan, which is also East Asia?

What’s wrong with this?Do we really have no DNA to play football?
The Development Course of Football in China

In 1992, this year was of special significance to China football.Marketization reformIn this year, the curtain was opened, which marked an important step towards the professionalization of football in China.

This made the whole football system become different, and the professional league was established, which provided new career opportunities for players and coaches.This also directly prompted them to start.Get economic returns from clubs and markets.Football has thus gained unprecedented attention.

However, the development of everything has two sides; Although the market-oriented reform has brought new vitality to China football, it is also accompanied by problems.

Among them,The most obvious problem is that many young players choose to leave because they are dissatisfied with the conditions of provincial and municipal teams, which leads to a large number of brain drain.; More importantly, the original reform paid too much attention to the construction of professional leagues, butForget the importance of basic training.This makes the development of football in China appear obvious "fault".

This fault problem has been exposed in the early stage, but it has not been paid enough attention.

If the infrastructure of a league is not stable, then no matter how dazzling it is, it is difficult to go far;This may explain why in the late 1990s and early 2000s,Although China football had a brief glory, it quickly fell into a downturn.

But,In addition to the above-mentioned professionalization and marketization issues, is there anyOther factorsIs it affecting the development of football in China?

These factors can be discussed from three aspects: physical fitness, technology and genes:

First of all, there are indeed differences between Asians and Africans or Europeans in physical strength and flexibility; But this difference is not purely determined by genes, and eating habits and training methods also play an indispensable role.

howeverBased on this factor alone, we can’t come to the conclusion that "China people are not suitable for playing football";

Looking back at last year’s World Cup, Japan successfully defeated the powerful German team, which clearly proved that East Asian teams can also compete with the world’s top teams.

Furthermore, football is not just a "European and American" sport; It is global, and its technology, tactics and ideas are constantly evolving on a global scale.

Simply copying the football model in Europe and America cannot guarantee success, and each region has its own unique football culture and development route;Too much pursuit of integration with Europe and the United States, but ignoring local characteristics, often brings bad consequences.

reviewAlthough China tried to imitate European football in the early stage of its professionalization, its basic work was ignored.

A solid foundation is the key to the top league. In this respect, countries like Japan and South Korea have done quite well.

They started from the foundation and gradually built a perfect football development system, with clear planning and continuous investment from youth training to top leagues.

The rise of Japanese football is largely due to their solid youth training system;Large-scale competitions such as the All-Japan High School Football Championship involve about 100,000 student players. Every year, about 4,000 teams participate in the preliminaries, and 48 teams are finally selected to enter the finals.

This is not only a competition, but also a platform to show yourself and exercise your skills. The Gaoyuan Palace Cup Japan Football Association U18 League has created a more professional stage for the youth teams of various professional clubs.

South Korea, another strong team in East Asia, is famous for its excellent physical confrontation and physical fitness;In the international arena, they can often show excellent competitive state in the confrontation with strong European teams.

South Korean star Sun Xingyu’s Premier League performance is undoubtedly the best proof.He is not only a player, but also a representative of Korean football innovation youth training;

The sports park invested and built by Sun Xingyuan in South Korea represents the new direction of Korean football-"Sun Xiongzheng mode" (Sun Xiongzheng is Sun Xingyuan’s father and a former football player in South Korea), which pays more attention to technology and basic skills.

Compared with Japan and South Korea, although their football road is different from ours, their success provides us with valuable enlightenment; Both Japan’s youth training system and South Korea’s innovative ideas on player training are worthy of our in-depth study and thinking.

At the same time,Our national team, especially the women’s football team., also has a remarkable performance on the international stage.

Compared with the men’s soccer team, why can they show better elegance in the international arena?

From the perspective of professionalism,China women’s football team is on a global scale.Degree of professionalismMore prominent;

In many countries, many women football players are stillAmateur state,But in our country, most women football players areprofessionalismofThis provides them with rich training time and helps them to form an advantage in technology and tactics.

Furthermore,Women’s football has relatively little commercial value.Make the players focus more on the performance on the court, rather than being influenced by commercial factors.This pure attitude towards the gameUndoubtedly, it has created a more pure competition environment for women football players.

On the other hand, although the men’s football team has gone through the road of professionalization, there are many problems in the promotion of marketization;

The most critical problem is the neglect of basic work.This has led to a great loss of football talents. Compared with women’s football team’s obvious attitude of paying attention to technology and basic skills, men’s football team seems to be subject to more external interference in the process of marketization.

When we look back on every glory of China women’s football team, we can deeply feel the efforts behind them; And every ups and downs of the men’s soccer team is a wake-up call, suggesting that we need to reflect deeply.

In the future, we hope that both men’s football team and women’s football team should cherish every opportunity to play, go all out, create more bright spots, win glory for our country, and bring joy and pride to every fan.


  1. Why is the "national football" so smelly?
  2. In-depth analysis, why is China football getting worse and worse, and where is the future development direction?
  3. Japanese and Korean football tells us that confrontation is not a European patent, and yellow people can also have technology.
  4. Ball Comment: Why is China Women’s Football Team so Strong? What is the real reason why men’s football is not as good as them?

Title 1: From the country of Cuju to the spectators today: Exploring the deep reasons why China football lags behind Europe, America and Japan.

Title 2: From ancient stadium heroes to today’s audience, the vicissitudes of football in China: where is the gap between us and Europe, America and Japan?

Title 3: The Battle of the Top Three in East Asia: Why did China lose to Japan because of the cultural background of football and the technical conflict between Europe and America?

Title 4: The glory and trough of football in China, exploring the real gap between us and Europe, America and Japan and the way of the future.

Title 5: The problem of China’s men’s football team and the glory of women’s football team: Exploring our football road, why is there such a gap with Europe and America?

The expansion of the water plank road in Beijiang Nan ‘an Park was completed and opened. Qingyuan City added a "cool" garden road.

Extension project of water plank road. Image source: Guangzhou Daily

  Qingyuan Beijiang Nan ‘an Park finally realized the connection with Riverside Park. It is reported that the water plank road expansion project from Qixinggang to Jiangbin Park was successfully completed and opened, and a "cool" bidao was added in Qingcheng District.

  After more than four months of hard construction, the expansion project of Bi Road connecting Nan ‘an Park and Lilac Garden plank road has finally been put into use. It is reported that the wading projects of the project are all arranged along the river. Among them, the water plank road project adopts high-piled beam-slab structure, with a length of 214.1 meters and a width of 4.5 meters, and the maximum distance offshore is 33 meters. The water plank road will connect Beijiangbi Road for 15 kilometers, making it the longest river-view riding landscape in the province.

It rains and the sun shines at the same time. How is this weather formed?

On a summer day, the doll’s face changed just now, but it was sunny in Wan Li for a while. At this time, someone exclaimed that there was a "solar rain". At that time, the WeChat circle of friends was screened by a rare solar rain. Solar rain is a wonderful natural phenomenon that almost everyone has encountered, but have you ever wondered why this happened?

What is sun rain?

The phenomenon of "solar rain" is a weather phenomenon, which is called "discontinuity of horizontal distribution of precipitation" in meteorology. Solar rain usually occurs in summer, and it is more common in the south.

How is the solar rain formed?

First kind

The reason for the formation is that the rain generated by dark clouds in the distance is instantly blown to another place by high-altitude strong winds.

the second type

It is because two clouds with different charges collide with each other in the high altitude under the action of the solar wind, resulting in excessive water vapor content in the air in some areas, and the water vapor evaporates quickly due to solar radiation.

The third kind

The reason is that the weather suddenly changed and it began to rain. Before the rain from the sky landed, the clouds had disappeared, so although the weather looked sunny, it began to rain.

With rain, the sky stage is lively, and the blue sky is not so boring. We all know the formation of rain, and cloud is one of the most indispensable basic conditions. In fact, it takes a rather complicated physical process to change from cloud to rain!

Formation process of rain

Let’s look at the composition of clouds. Clouds are made up of a large number of invisible water droplets or ice crystals floating in the air, or a mixture of water droplets and ice crystals. From cloud to rain, it is actually a process in which water droplets or ice crystals grow and grow. Whether the cloud drops come down from the cloud after becoming larger is rain, snow or other forms, which mainly depends on the temperature inside and under the cloud. When the temperature in the cloud is above zero degrees Celsius, the cloud is completely composed of water droplets, and when the water droplets increase, they fall down, which is rain.Rain usually appears in four forms:

Types of rain

convectional rain

When the air is strongly heated, the hot and humid air expands and rises, and the rain formed by the cooling and condensation of water vapor in the air is called convective rain. The equatorial region is dominated by convective rain all year round, and the convective rain in our country is more common in summer afternoons.

orographic rain

Orographic precipitation was forced to climb along the hillside because the humid air was blocked by the mountain. In the process of rising, the water in the air cools and condenses to form precipitation. Such as precipitation in northeast India and southeast Tibet in China.

frontal rain

Two kinds of airflow with different properties meet, and the interface between them is called front. On the front, warm, wet and lighter air is lifted to the cold, dry and heavier air. In the process of uplift, the water vapor in the air cools and condenses, and the precipitation formed is called frontal rain.

Typhoon rain

Rainfall is a special form of rainfall, which usually occurs when a typhoon comes. The center wind force of a typhoon is generally very strong, and the maximum wind force can reach more than 12! The time of rainfall generally depends on the speed of typhoon movement, and the rainfall intensity is very large in a short time, accompanied by strong lightning and strong winds.

Source | Meteorology E New